Christmas Rain And The Birth Of The Gospel
Part I A humble attempt at reconciliation, a Christmas card, remains unopened, thrown in the snow, its sentiments ignored forever…a dejected man with little strength to lift his head above his woes steps…
Thoughts On Darkness and Justice
There was darkness over the land, but no one seemed to notice. There was the perishing of the innocent everywhere, but few paid any mind. The face of cruelty revealed itself…
The Façade
What’s behind the façade? I’m too afraid to show You, to invite You to look behind my eyes and into the depths of my heart lest You become contaminated by the muck…
The Weight Of Questioning
Why do we question everything but the questions? What right do we have to second-guess God’s ways or motivations for how and when He chooses to move? Is He the master of…
Another Dissatisfied Day
Another Dissatisfied Day: Thoughts on Complacency and Indifference There is something about the combination of complacency and loneliness that silences a man. This silence is not a relative of solitude, for in solitude…
A New Year’s Choice
I will break the mirror of my past And burn the regrets with the fires of hope. (“…but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto…
Comments On My Writing
(I wrote these thoughts on my writing many years ago and my perspective has not changed.) In the midst of a culture filled with pain, hopelessness, selfishness, confusion, and every evil work, there…
The Lord of the “Whys?”
It is not always in finding the answer but in seeking and finding the One with the answer. It is so easy to get lost in wondering why something happened / didn’t happen,…
The Blame Game
Are you among those who feel the need to blame someone for your problems, failures, flaws, mistakes, sins, shortcomings, etc.? And is the someone you blame 99% of the time yourself? Well,…